Scientific Publications.
Haug, F.-M.S. and G. Danscher (1971) Effect of intra¬vital dithizone treatment on the Timm sulfide pattern of rat brain. Histochemie 27: 290-299.
Danscher, G. and F.-M.S. Haug (1971) Depletion of metal in the rat hippocam¬pal mossy fibre system by intravital chelation with dithi¬zone. Histochemie 28: 211-219.
Danscher, G. (1972) An instrument for immobiliza¬tion of small experi¬mental animals. Z. Versuch¬stierk. 14: 69-71.
Danscher, G. and K. Fredens (1972) The effect of oxine and alloxan on the sulfide silver stainabili¬ty of the rat brain. Histochemie 30: 307-314.
Danscher, G., F.-M.S. Haug and K. Fredens (1973) Effect of diethyl¬dithiocarba¬mate (DEDTC) on sulphide silver stained boutons. Revers¬ible blocking of Timm's sulphide silver stain for "heavy" metals in DEDTC treated rats (light microsco¬py). Exp. Brain Res. 16: 521-532.
Fredens, K. and G. Danscher (1973) The effect of intravital chela¬tion with dimercaprol, calcium disodium edetate, 1-10-phenantroline and 2,2'-dipyri¬dyl on the sulfide silver stainability of the rat brain. Histochemie 37: 321-331.
Danscher, G. and H. Rebbe (1974) Effects of two chelating agents, oxine and diethyldithiocarbamate (antabuse), on stainability and motility of human sperms. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 22/10: 981-985.
Geneser-Jensen, F.A., F.-M.S. Haug and G. Danscher (1974) Distribu¬tion of heavy metals in the hippocampal region of the guinea pig. A light microscope study with Timm's sulfide silver method. Z. Zell¬forsch. 147: 441-478.
Fjerdingstad, E., G. Danscher and E.J. Fjerdingstad (1974) Zinc con¬tent in hippocampus and whole brain of normal rats. Brain Res. 79: 338-342.
Fjerdingstad, E.J., G. Danscher and E. Fjerdingstad (1974) Hippocam¬pus: selective concentration of lead in the normal rat brain. Brain Res. 80: 350-354.
Danscher, G. and E.J. Fjerdingstad (1975) Diethyldit¬hiocarbamate (antabuse): Decrease of brain heavy metal staining pattern and im¬proved consolidation of shuttle box avoidance in goldfish. Brain Res. 83: 143-155.
Danscher, G., M.T. Shipley and P. Andersen (1975) Persistent function of mossy fibre synapses after metal chelation with DEDTC (antabuse). Brain Res. 85: 522-526.
Danscher, G., E. Hall, K. Fredens, E. Fjerdingstad and E.J. Fjer¬ding¬stad (1975) Heavy metals in the amygdala of the rat: zinc, lead and copper. Brain Res. 94: 167-172.
Danscher, G. (1976) Heavy metals in the hippocampal region: Some aspects of localization, function and content with special emphasis on the effect of chelating agents. Thesis, Aarhus University.
Danscher, G., E.J. Fjerdingstad, E. Fjerdingstad and K. Fredens (1976) Heavy metal content in subdivisions of the rat hippocampus (zinc, lead and copper). Brain Res. 112: 442-446.
Fjerdingstad, E., G. Danscher and E.J. Fjerdingstad (1977) Changes in zinc and lead content of rat hippocampus and whole brain follo¬wing intravital dithizone treatment as determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Brain Res. 130: 369-373.
Danscher, G. and J. Zimmer (1978) An improved Timm sulphide silver method for light and electron microscopic localization of heavy metals in bi¬ological tissues. Histochemistry 55: 27-40.
Schrøder, H.D., E. Fjerdingstad, G. Danscher and E.J. Fjerdingstad (1978) Heavy metals in the spinal cord of normal rats and of animals treated with chelating agents: A quantitative (zinc, copper and lead) and histochemical study. Histochemistry 56: 1-12.
West, M.J., G. Danscher and H. Gydesen (1978) A determination of the volumes of the layers of the rat hippocampal region. Cell Tiss. Res. 188: 345-359.
Danscher, G., R. Hammen, E. Fjerdingstad and H. Rebbe (1978) Zinc content of human ejaculate and the motility of sperm cells. Int. J. Andrology 1: 576-581.
Kemp, K. and G. Danscher (1979) Multi-element analysis of the rat hippocampus by proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy (phos¬phorous, sulphur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, lead, bromine and rubidium). Histoche¬mistry 59: 167-176.
Danscher, G. and H.D. Schrøder (1979) Histochemical demonstration of mercury induced changes in rat neurons. Histochemistry 60: 1-17.
Danscher, G., J. Obel and O. Thorlacius-Ussing (1980) Electron microscopic demonstration of metals in rat mast cells. A cytochemi¬cal study based on an improved sulphide silver method. Histochemi¬stry 66: 293-300.
Danscher, G. (1981) Histochemical demonstration of heavy metals. A revised version of the sulphide silver method suitable for both light and electron micro-scopy. Histochemistry 71: 1-16.
Danscher, G. (1981) Localization of gold in bi¬ological tissue. A photochemical method for light and electronmicroscopy. Histo¬chemistry 71: 8l-88.
Danscher, G. (1981) Light and electron microscopic localization of silver in biological tissue. Histo¬chemistry 71: 177-186.
Gaarskjaer, F., G. Danscher and M.J. West (1982) Hippocampal mossy fibers in the regio superior of the European hedgehog. Brain Res. 237: 79-90.
Danscher, G. (1982) Exogenous selenium in the brain. A histochemical technique for light and electron microscopical localization of cata¬lytic selenium bonds. Histochemi¬stry 76: 281-293.
Rungby, J. and G. Danscher (1983) Localization of exogenous silver in brain and spinal cord of silver exposed rats. Acta Neuropathol. (Berl.) 60: 92-98.
Danscher, G. and J.O.R. Nørgaard (1983) Light microscopic visuali¬zation of colloidal gold on resin-embedded tissue. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 31/12: 1394-1398.
Rungby, J. and G. Danscher (1983) Neuronal accumula¬tion of silver in brains of progeny from argyric rats. Acta Neuropathol. (Berl.) 61: 258-262.
Møller-Madsen, B. and G. Danscher (1983) Trans¬placental transport of gold in rats exposed to sodium aurothiomalate. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 39: 327-331.
Danscher, G. (1983) A silver method for counterstai¬ning plastic embedded tissue. Stain Technol. 58: 365-372.
Møller-Madsen, B., S.C. Mogensen and G. Danscher (1984) Ultrastruc¬tural localization of gold in macrophages and mast cells exposed to aurothioglucose. Exp. Mol. Path. 40: 148-154.
West, M.J., F. Gaarskjaer and G. Danscher (1984) The Timm-stained hippocam¬pus of the European hedgehog: A basal mammalian form. J. Comp. Neurol. 226: 477-488.
Danscher, G. (1984) Similarities and differences in the localization of metals in rat brains after treatment with sodium sulphide and sodium selenide. In: The Neurobio¬logy of Zinc, Part A (C.J. Frede¬rickson, G.A. Howell and E. Kasar¬skis, eds.). Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 229-242.
Danscher, G. (1984) Do the Timm sulphide silver method and the selenium method demonstrate zinc in the brain. In: The Neurobiology of Zinc, Part A (C.J. Frederick-son, G.A. Howell and E. Kasarskis, eds.). Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 273-287.
Danscher, G. (1984) Dynamic changes in the stainabi¬lity of rat hippocampal mossy fiber boutons after local injection of sodium sulphide, sodium selenite, and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. In: The Neurobiology of Zinc, Part B (C.J. Frederick¬son, G.A. Howell and E. Kasarskis, eds.). Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 177-191.
Danscher, G., H.J. Hansen and B. Møller-Madsen (1984) Energy disper¬sive X-ray analysis of tissue gold after silver amplification by physical development. Histoche-mistry 81: 283-285.
Danscher, G. (1984) Autometallography. A new tech¬nique for light and electron microscopic visualiza¬tion of metals in biological tissue (gold, silver, metal sulphides and metal selenides). Histochemistry 81: 331-335.
Rungby, J. and G. Danscher (1984) Hypoactivity in silver exposed mice. Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. 55: 398-401.
Thorlacius-Ussing, O., G. Danscher, B. Møller-Madsen and J. Rungby (1985) Selenium in the anterior pituitary. Sci. Total Environ. 42: 185-188.
Danscher, G., O. Thorlacius-Ussing, J. Rungby and B. Møller-Madsen (1985) Selenium in the Paneth cells. Sci. Total Environ. 42: 189-192.
Danscher, G. and B. Møller-Madsen (1985) Silver amplification of mercury sulfide and selenide. A histochemical method for light and electron microsco¬pic localization of mercury in tissue. J. Histo¬chem. Cytochem. 33: 219-228.
Thorlacius-Ussing, O. and G. Danscher (1985) Selenium in the anterior pituitary of rats exposed to sodium selenite: Light and electron microscopic localization. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 81: 67-74.
Pérez-Clausell, J. and G. Danscher (1985) Intravesi¬cular localiza¬tion of zinc in rat telencephalic boutons. A histochemical study. Brain Res. 337: 91-98.
Danscher, G. and J.O.R. Nørgaard (1985) Ultrastruc¬tural autometallo¬graphy: A method for silver amplifi¬cation of catalytic metals. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 33 (7): 706-710.
Danscher, G., G. Howell, J. Pérez-Clausell and N. Hertel (1985) The dithizone, Timm's sulphide silver and the selenium methods demon¬strate a chelatable pool of zinc in CNS. Histochemistry 83: 419-422.
Møller-Madsen, B., S.C. Mogensen, G. Danscher, J. Rungby, O. Thor¬lacius-Us¬sing and H. Graudal (1985) Mouse peritoneal cells exposed to sodium aurothio¬ma¬late in vivo. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. 7: 439-442.
Møller-Madsen, B., O.H. Simonsen, D.N. Doss and G. Danscher (1985) Gold in the ovary of rats exposed to sodium aurothiomalate. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 42: 287-292.
Thorlacius-Ussing, O., B. Møller¬-Madsen and G. Danscher (1985) Intra¬cellular accumu¬lation of mercury in the anterior pituitary of rats exposed to mercuric chloride. Exp. Mol. Path. 42: 278-286.
Schwerdtfeger, W.K., G. Danscher and H. Geiger (1985) Entorhinal and prepiri¬form cortices of the European hedgehog. A histochemical and densitometric study based on a comparison between Timm's sulphide silver method and the selenium method. Brain Res. 348: 69-76.
Danscher, G., B. Møller-Madsen, J. Rungby and O. Thorlacius-Ussing (1985) Visualization of selenium in sodium selenite intoxicated rats. In: Health Effects and Interactions of Essential and Toxic Elements (eds. M. Abdulla, B. Nair & R.K. Chandra), Pergamon Press, Nutr. Res., Suppl. I: 659-661.
Møller-Madsen, B., O. Thorlacius-Ussing, J. Rungby and G. Danscher (1985) Gold in the anterior pitui¬tary. In: Health Effects and Inter¬actions of Essenti¬al and Toxic Elements (eds. M. Abdulla, B. Nair & R.K. Chandra), Pergamon Press. Nutr. Res., Suppl. I: 666-667.
Rungby, J., B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1985) Silver intoxica¬tion of the CNS. In: Health Effects and Interactions of Essential and Toxic Elements (eds. M. Abdulla, B. Nair & R.K. Chandra), Pergamon Press. Nutr. Res., Suppl. I: 668-669.
Danscher, G. and J. Rungby (1986) Differentiation of histochemically visualized mercury and silver. Histochem. J., 18: 109-114.
Pérez-Clausell, J. and G. Danscher (1986) Release of zinc sulphide accumulations into synaptic clefts after in vivo injection of sodium sulphide. Brain Res. 362: 358-361.
Møller-Madsen, B. and G. Danscher (1986) Localization of mercury in CNS of the rat. I. Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) per os. Environ. Res. 41: 29-43.
Thorlacius-Ussing, O., J. Rungby, B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1986) Selenium accumulation in the oocyte after exposure to sodium selenite. Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. 59: 139-141.
Baatrup, E., M.G. Nielsen and G. Danscher (1986) Histochemical demonstration of two mercury pools in trout tissues: Mercury in kidney and liver after mercuric chloride exposure. Ecotox. Environ. Safety 12: 267-282.
Paxinos, G. and G. Danscher (1987) The Terete Hypothalamic Nucleus. In: The Rat Brain in Stereo¬taxic Coordinates (eds. G. Paxinos and C. Watson), Second Edition, Academic Press, Sydney.
Paxinos, G. and G. Danscher (1987) The Strio Hypotha¬lamic Nucleus. In: The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates (eds. G. Paxinos and C. Watson), Second Edition, Academic Press, Sydney.
Rungby, J., L. Slomianka, G. Danscher, A. Holst Andersen and M.J. West (1987) A quantitative evaluation of the neurotoxic effect of silver on the volumes of the components of the developing rat hippocampus. Toxicology 43: 261-268.
Møller-Madsen, B., G. Danscher, N. Uldbjerg and J.G. Allen (1987) Auto¬metallo-graphic demonstration of gold in human fetal liver and placenta. Rheuma¬tol. Int. 7: 47-48.
Danscher, G., J.O.R. Nørgaard and E. Baatrup (1987) Autometallogra¬phy: Tissue metals demonstrated by a silver enhancement kit. His¬tochemistry 86: 465-469.
Frederickson, C.J., J. Pérez-Clausell and G. Danscher (1987) Zinc- containing 7S-NGF complex. Evidence from zinc histochemistry for localization in salivary secretory granules. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 35(5): 579-583.
Rungby, J., S. Ellermann-Eriksen and G. Danscher (1987) Effects of selenium on toxicity and ultrastruc¬tural localization of silver in cultured macrophages. Arch. Toxicol. 61: 40-45.
Baatrup, E. and G. Danscher (l987) Cytochemical demonstration of mercury deposits in trout liver and kidney following methyl mercury intoxication. Dif-ferentiation of two mercury pools by selenium. Ecotox. Environ. Safety 14: 129-141.
Holm, I.E., A. Andreasen, G. Danscher, J. Pérez¬-Clausell and H. Nielsen (1987) Quantification of vesicular zinc in the rat brain. Histochemistry 89: 289-293.
Frederickson, C.J. and G. Danscher (1988) Hippocampal zinc, the storage granule pool: Localization, physiochemistry and possible functions. In: E. Morley, M.B. Sterman, J.T. Walsh (Eds.). "Nutri¬tional Modulation of Brain Function". U.C.L.A. Press, San Diego, pp. 289-306.
Crutcher, K., G. Danscher and F. Geneser (1988) The hippocampus and dentate area of the European hed¬gehog: A comparative histochemical study. Brain Behav. Evol. 32: 269-276.
Graudal, H., B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1988) Autometallo¬graphic demonstration of gold in rheuma¬toid synovial tissue. Z. Rheumatol. 47: 347-350.
Hacker, G.W., L. Grimelius, G. Danscher, G. Bernatzky, W. Muss, H. Adam and J. Thurner (1988) Silver acetate autometallography. An alternative enhan¬cement technique for immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) and silver amplification of gold, silver, mercury and zinc in tissues. J. Histotechnol. 11: 213-221.
Frederickson, C.J., G.A. Howell, M.D. Haigh and G. Danscher (1988) Zinc-contai¬ning fiber systems in the cochlear nuclei of the rat and mouse. Hearing Res. 36: 203-212.
Hansen, J.C., E. Reske-Nielsen, O. Thorlacius-Ussing, J. Rungby and G. Danscher (1989) Distribution of dietary mercury in a dog. Quanti¬tation and localiza¬tion of total mercury in organs and central nervous system. Sci. Total Environ. 78: 23-43.
Arenholt-Bindslev, D. and G. Danscher (1989) Effect of organic and inorganic selenium on mercury accumu¬lation in cultures of normal human epithelial cells. ATLA (Alternative to Laboratory Animals) 16: 253-256.
Jacobsen, E., A. Andreasen, H. Graudal and G. Danscher (1989) Autometallo-graphic demonstration of gold uptake in cultured synovial fluid cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Scand. J. Rheumatol. 18: 161-164.
Slomianka, L., J. Rungby, M.J. West, G. Danscher and A. Holst-Andersen (1989) Dose-dependent bimodal effect of low-level lead exposure on the develo¬ping hippocampal region of the rat: A volu¬metric study. Neurotoxi¬cology 10: 177-190.
Pérez-Clausell, J., C.J. Frederickson and G. Danscher (1989) Amygdaloid efferents throug¬h the stria terminalis in the rat give origin to zinc-containing boutons. J. Comp. Neurol. 290: 201-212.
Nørgaard, J.O.R., B. Møller-Madsen, N. Hertel and G. Danscher (1989) Silver enhancement of tissue mercury: Demonstration of mercury in autometallographic silver grains from rat kidneys. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 37: 1545-1547.
Howell, G.A., C.J. Frederickson and G. Danscher (1989) Evidence from dithizone and selenium zinc histochemistry that perivascular mossy fiber boutons stain preferentially "in vivo". Histochemistry 92: 121-125.
Danscher, G., P. Hørsted-Bindslev and J. Rungby (1990) Traces of mercury in organs from primates with amalgam fillings. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 52: 291-299.
Bolewska, J., P. Holmstrup, B. Møller-Madsen, B. Kenrad and G. Danscher (1990) Amalgam associated mercury accumula¬tions in normal oral mucosa, oral mucosal lesions of lichen planus and contact lesions associated with amalgam. J. Oral Pathol. Med. 19: 39-42.
Slomianka, L., S. Edelfors, A. Ravn-Jensen, J. Rungby, G. Danscher and M.J. West (1990) The effect of low-level toluene exposure on the developing hippo¬campal region of the rat: Histolo¬gical evidence and volumetric findings. Toxico¬logy 62: 189-202.
Frederickson, R.E., C.J. Frederickson and G. Danscher (1990) In situ binding of bouton zinc reversibly disrupts performance on a spatial memory task. Beh. Brain Res. 38: 25-33.
Frederickson, C.J. and G. Danscher (1990) Zinc-containing neurons in hippocam¬pus and related CNS structures. Progr. Brain Res. 83: 71-84.
Rungby, J., G. Danscher, M. Christensen, S. Ellermann-Eriksen and S.C. Mogensen (1990) Autometallography used as a histochemical indicator of lysoso¬me function in -cultured cells. Histochemistry. 94: 109-111.
Slomianka, L., G. Danscher and C.J. Frederickson (1990) Labeling of the neurons of origin of zinc-containing pathways by intraperi¬toneal injections of sodium selenite. Neuroscience 38,3: 843-854.
Ernst, E., B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1991) Ultra¬struc¬tural demonstra¬tion of mercury in Sertoli and Leydig cells of the rat following methyl mercuric chloride or mercuric chloride treatment. Reproduct. Toxicol. 5: 205-209.
Holm, I.E., A. Andreasen, G. Danscher and H. Nielsen (l991) Densito¬metric analysis of the local bleaching of the Neo-Timm staining pattern following intrahippocampal injection of diethyldithiocarba¬mate. Histochem. J. 23: 63-68.
Nørgaard, J.O.R., B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1991) Auto¬metallo¬graphic localiza¬tion of mercury in rat kidney - Interaction between mercury and selenium. Progr. Histochem. Cytochem. 23: 187-193.
Schiønning J.D., E.H. Poulsen, B. Møller-Madsen and G. Dans¬cher (1991) Ultrastructural localization of mercury in rat dorsal root ganglia after exposure to mercury vapor. Progr. Histo¬chem. Cytochem. 23: 249-255.
Danscher, G. (1991) Histochemical tracing of zinc, mercury, silver and gold. Progr. Histochem. Cytochem. 23: 273-285.
Hacker, G.W., G. Danscher, A.-H. Graf, G. Bernatzky, A. Schiechl and L. Grimelius (1991) The use of silver acetate autometallography in the detection of catalytic tissue metals and colloidal gold par¬ticles bound to macromolecules. Progr. Histochem. Cytochem. 23: 286-290.
Christensen, M., S. Ellermann-Eriksen, J. Rungby, S.C. Mogensen and G. Danscher (1991) Histochemical and functional evaluation of mercuric chloride toxicity in cultured macrophages. Prog. Histochem. Cytochem. 23: 306-315.
Hörsted-Bindslev, P., J.E. Bolewska, D. Arenholt-Bindslev and G. Danscher (1991) Dentinal transport of mercury from dental silver amalgam restora¬tions. Progr. Histochem. Cytochem. 23: 321-326.
Poulsen, E.H., J.D. Schiønning, B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1991) Gold in the thyroid gland of rats. Progr. Histochem. Cytochem. 23: 327-331.
Danscher, G. (1991) Applications of autometallography to heavy metal toxicolo¬gy. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 69: 414-423.
Møller-Madsen, B. and G. Danscher (1991) Localization of mercury in CNS of the rat. IV. The effect of selenium on orally administrated organic and inorganic mercury. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 108: 457-473.
Schiønning, J.D., B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1991) Mercury in the dorsal root ganglia of rats treated with inorganic or organic mercury. Environ. Res. 56: 48-56.
Christensen, M.-K., C.J. Frederickson and G. D¬anscher (1992) Retro¬grade tracing of zinc-containing neurons by selenide ions: A survey of seven selenium compounds. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 40: 575-579.
Christensen, M.M., G. Danscher, S. Ellermann-Eriksen, J.D. Schiønning and J. Rungby (1992) Autometallographic silver-enhancement of colloidal gold particles used to label phagocytic cells. Histochemistry 97: 207-211.
Schiønning, J.D., E.H. Poulsen, B. Møller-Madsen and G. Danscher (1992) Autometallographic detection of gold in dorsal root ganglia of rats treated with sodium aurothiomalate. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 56: 239-247.
Hacker, G.W., A.H. Graf, C. Hauser-Kronberger, G. Wirnsberger, A. Schiechl, G. Bernatzky, U. Wittauer, Su Huici, H. Adam, J. Thurner, G. Danscher and L. Grimelius (1993) Application of silver acetate autometallography and gold-silver staining methods for in situ DNA hybridization. Chinese Medical Journal 106: 83-92.
Hacker, G.W, Danscher, G., Gu, J., Hauser-Kronberger, C., Muss, W.H., Sonnleitner-Wittauer, U., Zehbe, I., Rufner, R., Carson, N.E., Xenachis, C., Forte, M., Juhl, S., Stoltenberg, M. and Dietze, O. (1993) Autometallography and its use in electron microscopy. Beitr. Elektronenmikroskop. Direktabb. Oberfl. 26: 129-143.
Schiønning, J.D., G. Danscher, M.M. Christensen, E. Ernst and B. Møller-Madsen (1993) Differentiation of silver-enhanced mercury and gold in tissue sections. J. Histochem. 25: 107-111.
Danscher, G., G. Hacker, J.O.R. Nørgaard and L. Grimelius (1993) Autometallo-graphic silver amplification of colloidal gold. J. Histotechnol. 16: 201-207.
Rungby, J., M. Kassem, E.F. Eriksen and G. Danscher (1993) The von Kossa reaction for calcium deposits: A revised version suitable also for cell cultures. J. Histochemistry 25: 446-451.
Hacker, G.W., C. Hauser-Kronberger, A.-H. Graf, G. Danscher and L. Grimelius (1994) Immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) for detection of antigenic sites and DNA sequences. In: Modern Analytic Methods in Histochemistry (eds. J. Gu and G.W. Hacker), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 19-35.
Danscher, G. (1994) Autometallographic (AMG) nerve tracing: Demonstration of retrograde axonal transport of zinc selenide in ZEN neurons. In: Modern Analytical Methods in Histochemistry (eds. J. Gu and G.W. Hacker), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 327-339.
Danscher, G. and C. Montagnese (1994) Autometallographic localization of synaptic vesicular zinc and lysosomal gold, silver and mercury. J. Histotechnol. 17: 15-22.
Hacker, G.W. and G. Danscher (1994) Recent advances in immunogold-silver staining - Autometallography. Cell Vision 1: 102-109.
Danscher, G., M. Stoltenberg and S. Juhl (1994) How to detect gold, silver and mercury in human brain and other tissues by autometallographic silver amplification. Neuropathol. Appl. Neurobiol. 20: 454-467.
Danscher, G., G.W. Hacker, C. Hauser-Kronberger and L. Grimelius (1995) Trends in autometallographic silver amplification of colloidal gold particles. In: Immunogold-Silver Staining. Principles, Methods, and Applications (ed. M.A. Hayat), CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 11-18.
Hacker, G.W., G. Danscher, L. Grimelius, C. Hauser-Kronberger, W.H. Muss, A. Schiechl, J. Gu and O. Dietze (1995) Silver staining techniques, with special reference to the use of different silver salts in light and electron microscopical immunogold-silver staining. In: Immunogold-Silver Staining. Principles, Methods, and Applications (ed. M.A. Hayat), CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 19-45.
Hauser-Kronberger, C., G.W. Hacker, E. Arrer and G. Danscher (1995) Nonmicroscopical colloidal gold autometallography (AMGAu): Use of immunogold-silver staining in blot staining and immunoassay. In: Immunogold-Silver Staining. Principles, Methods, and Applications (ed. M.A. Hayat), CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 289-297.
Cho, H.W. and G. Danscher (1995) Distribution of zinc enriched (ZEN) neuron somata in the medulla oblongata of rat. Korean J. Zool. 38: 375-381.
Rufner, R., N.E. Carson, M. Forte, G. Danscher, J. Gu, and G.W. Hacker (1995) Autometallography for immunogold-silver staining in light and electron microscopy. Cell Vision 2(4): 327-333.
Hansen, J.C. and G. Danscher (1995) Quantitative and qualitative distribution of mercury in organs from arctic sledgedogs: An atomic absorption spectrophotocmetric and histochemical study of tissue samples from natural long-termed high dietary organic mercury-exposed dogs from Thule, Greenland. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 77: 189-195.
Li, Q., Hacker, G.W., Danscher, G., Sonnleitner-Wittauer, U. and Grimelius, L. (1995) Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions. A revised version of the Ag-NOR-staining technique. Histochem. Cell Biol. 104: 145-150.
Danscher, G. (1996) The autometallographic zinc-sulphide method. A new approach involving in vivo creation of nanometer-sized zinc sulphide crystal lattices in zinc-enriched synaptic and secretory vesicles. Histochem. J. 28: 361-373.
Stoltenberg, M., E. Ernst, A. Andreasen, and G. Danscher (1996) Histochemical localization of zinc ions in the epididymis of the rat. Histochem. J. 28: 173-185.
Hacker, G.W., W.H. Muss, C. Hauser-Kronberger, G. Danscher, R. Rufner, J. Gu, H. Su, A. Andreasen, M. Stoltenberg and O. Dietze (1996) Electron microscopical autometallography: Immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) and heavy-metal-histochemistry. Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology 10: 257-269.
Schiønning, J.D., R. Eide, E. Ernst, G. Danscher and B. Møller-Madsen (1997) The effect of selenium on the localization of autometallographic mercury in dorsal root ganglia of rats. Histochem. J. 29: 183-191.
Andreasen, A., G. Danscher, S. Juhl, M. Stoltenberg, N.P. Revsbech, H. Jensen and K.B. Jensen (1997) Distinct differences in partial oxygen pressure at micrometer ranges in the rat hippocampal region. J. Neurosci. Methods 72: 15-21.
Hacker, G.W., G. Danscher and C. Hauser-Kronberger (1997) Immunogold-silver staining - Autometallography: Recent developments and protocols. In: Analytical Morphology: Theory, Applications and Protocols (ed. J. Gu), Eaton Publishing Co., Natick, Massachusetts, pp. 41-54.
Hansen, J.C. and G. Danscher (1997) Organic mercury: An environmental threat to the health of dietary-exposed societies? Rev. Environ. Health 12: 107-116.
Hörsted-Bindslev, P., G. Danscher and J.C. Hansen (1997) Dentinal and pulpal uptake of mercury from lined and unlined amalgam restorations in minipigs. Eur. J. Oral Sci. 105: 338-343.
Stoltenberg, M., M.B. Sørensen, G. Danscher, S. Juhl, A. Andreasen and E. Ernst (1997) Autometallographic demonstration of zinc ions in rat sperm cells. Mol. Human Reprod. 3: 763-767.
Danscher, G., S. Juhl, M. Stoltenberg, B. Krunderup, H.D. Schrøder and A. Andreasen (1997) Autometallographic silver enhancement of zinc sulfide crystals created in cryostat sections from human brain biopsies. A new technique that makes it feasible to demonstrate zinc ions in tissue sections from biopsies and early autopsy material. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 45: 1503-1510.
Danscher, G., K.B. Jensen, C.J. Frederickson, K. Kemp, A. Andreasen, S. Juhl, M. Stoltenberg and R. Ravid (1997) Increased amount of zinc in the hippocampus and amygdala of Alzheimer's diseased brains: A proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopic analysis of cryostat sections from autopsy material. J. Neurosci. Meth. 76: 53-59.
Andreasen, A. and G. Danscher (1997) Optical slicing and 3-D characterization of hippocampal capillaries in the rat visualized by autometallographic silver enhancement of colloidal gold particles. Histochem. J. 29: 775-781.
Danscher, G. and A. Andreasen (1997) Demonstration of vessels in CNS and other organs by AMG silver enhancement of colloidal gold particles dispersed in gelatine. J. Neurosci. Meth. 77: 175-181.
Su, H., A. Cheung and G. Danscher (1997) Zinc-enriched endocrine cells in the rat pituitary - A combined autometallographic and immunohistochemical study. Acta Histochem. Cytochem. 30: 531-536.
Stoltenberg, M., M.B. Sørensen and G. Danscher (1997) Histochemical demonstration of zinc ions in ejaculated human semen. Int. J. Androl. 20: 229-236.
Stoltenberg, M., L. Lund, S. Juhl, G. Danscher and E. Ernst (1997) Histochemical demonstration of zinc ions in human epididymis using autometallography. Histochem. J. 29: 721-726.
Danscher, G., K.B. Jensen, J. Kraft and M. Stoltenberg (1997) Autometallographic silver enhancement of submicroscopic metal containing catalytic crystallites - A histochemical tool for detection of gold, silver, bismuth, mercury, and zinc. Cell Vision 4: 375-386.
Sørensen, M.B., M. Stoltenberg, S. Juhl, G. Danscher, E. Ernst (1997) Ultrastructural localization of zinc ions in the rat prostate: An autometallographic study. The Prostate 31: 125-130.
Stoltenberg, M., A. Andreasen, K.B. Jensen, S. Juhl, G. Danscher and E. Ernst (1997) PC-assisted three-dimensional description of organs containing tubular structures, applied on the epididymis of the rat. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 21: 323-329.
Su H, A. Cheung, G. Danscher (1997) Zinc-Enriched Endocrine Cells in the Rata Pituitary – A Combined Autometallographic and Immunohistochemical Study. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica 30:531-536
Stoltenberg, M., P. Therkildsen, A. Andreasen, K.B. Jensen, S. Juhl, E. Ernst and G. Danscher (1998) Computer-assisted visualization of the rat epididymis: a methodological study based on paraffin sections autometallographically stained for zinc ions. Histochem. J. 30: 237-244.
Sørensen, M.B., M. Stoltenberg, K. Henriksén, E. Ernst, G. Danscher and M. Parvinen (1998) Histochemical tracing of zinc ions in the rat testis. Molecular Human Reproduction 4: 423-428.
Schiønning, J.D. and G. Danscher (1999) Autometallographic mercury correlates with degenerative changes in dorsal root ganglia of rats intoxicated with organic mercury. APMIS 107: 303-310.
Sørensen, M.B., M. Stoltenberg, G. Danscher and E. Ernst (1999) Chelation of intracellular zinc ions affects human sperm cell motility. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 5: 338-341.
Bonde, J.P., M. Joffe, G. Danscher, P. Apostoli, L. Bisanti, A. Giwercman, H. Kolstad, P. Thonneau, N. Roeleveld and M. Vanhoorne (1999) The European Asclepios study on occupational hazards to male reproductive capability: Objectives, designs and populations. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health 25: 49-61.
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Pedersen, M., J.C. Hansen, G. Mulvad, H.S. Pedersen, M. Gregersen and G. Danscher (1999) Mercury accumulations in brains from populations exposed to high and low dietary levels of methyl mercury. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 58: 96-107.
Danscher, G., L. Mosekilde and J. Rungby (1999) Histochemical detection of zinc in mineralizing rat bone: Autometallographic tracing of zinc ions in the mineralization front, osteocytes, and osteoblasts. J. Histotechnol. 22: 85-90.
Suh, S.W., K. Listiack, B. Bell, J. Chen, M. Motamedi, D. Silva, G. Danscher, W. Whetsell, R. Thompson, C. Frederickson (1999) Detection of pathological zinc accumulation in neurons. Methods for autopsy, biopsy, and cultured tissue. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 47: 969-972.
Pamphlett, R., G. Danscher, J. Rungby and M. Stoltenberg (2000) Tissue uptake of bismuth from shotgun pellets. Environmental Res. 82: 258-262.
Stoltenberg, M., G. Danscher, R. Pamphlett, M.M. Christensen and J. Rungby (2000) Histochemical tracing of bismuth in testis from rats exposed intraperitoneally to bismuth subnitrate. Reproductive Toxicology 14: 65-71.
Suh, S.W., J.W. Chen, M. Motamedi, B. Bell, K. Listiak, N. F. Pons, G. Danscher and C.J. Frederickson (2000) Evidence that synaptically-released zinc contributes to neuronal injury after traumatic brain injury. Brain Res. 852: 268-273.
Suh, S.W., K.B. Jensen, M.S. Jensen, D.S. Silva, P.J. Kesslak, G. Danscher and C.J. Frederickson (2000) Histochemically-reactive zinc in amyloid plaques, angiopathy, and degenerating neurons of Alzheimer’s diseased brains. Brain Res. 852: 274-278.
Jo, S.M., M.H. Won, T.B. Cole, M.S. Jensen, R.D. Palmiter and G. Danscher (2000) Zinc enriched (ZEN) terminals in mouse olfactory bulb. Brain Res. 865: 227-236.
Schrøder, H.D., G. Danscher, S.M. Jo, H. Su (2000) Zinc-enriched boutons in rat spinal cord. Brain Res. 868: 119-122.
Franco-Pons, N., C. Casanovas-Aguilar, S. Arroyo, J. Rumià, J. Pérez-Clausell and G. Danscher (2000) Zinc-rich synaptic boutons in human temporal cortex biopsies. Neuroscience 98(3): 429-435.
Jo, S.M., G. Danscher, H.D. Schrøder, M.H. Won and Toby B. Cole (2000) Zinc-enriched (ZEN) terminals in mouse spinal cord: Immunohistochemistry and autometallography. Brain Res. 870: 163-169.
Suh, S.W., G. Danscher, M.S. Jensen, R. Thompson, M. Motamedi and C.J. Frederickson (2000) Release of synaptic zinc is substantially depressed by conventional brain slice preparations. Brain Res. 879: 7-12.
Pamphlett, R., M. Stoltenberg, J. Rungby and G. Dansher (2000) Uptake of bismuth in motor neurons of mice after single oral doses of bismuth compounds. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 22: 559-563.
Stoltenberg, M. and G. Danscher (2000) Histochemical differentiation of autometallographically traceable metals (Au, Ag, Hg, Bi, Zn). Protocols for chemical removal of separate autometallographic metal clusters in Epon sections. Histochem. J. 32: 645-652.
Danscher, G., M. Stoltenberg, K. Kemp and R. Pamphlett (2000) Bismuth autometallography: Protocol, specificity, and differentiation. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 48: 1503-1510.
Stoltenberg, M., J.D. Schiønning and G. Danscher (2001) Retrograde axonal transport of bismuth. An autometallographic study. Acta Neuropathol. 101: 123-128.
Kristiansen, L.H., J. Rungby, L.G. Søndergaard, M. Stoltenberg and Gorm Danscher (2001) Autometallography allows ultrastructural monitoring of zinc in the endocrine pancreas. Histochem. Cell Biol. 115: 125-129.
Suh, S.W., S.M. Jo, Z. Vajda, T. Cole and G. Danscher (2001) Adrenalectomy causes loss of zinc ions in zinc-enriched (ZEN) terminals and decreases seizure-induced neuronal death. Brain Res. 895: 25-32.
Wang, Z., G. Danscher, S.M. Jo, Y. Shi and H.D. Schrøder (2001) Retrograde tracing of zinc-enriched (ZEN) neuronal somata in rat spinal cord. Brain Res. 900: 80-87.
Danscher, G., S.M. Jo, E. Varea, Z. Wang, T.B. Cole and H.D. Schrøder (2001) Inhibitory zinc-enriched terminals in mouse spinal cord. Neuroscience 105: 941-947.
Varea, E., X. Ponsoda, A. Molowny, G. Danscher and C. Lopez-Garcia. (2001) Imaging synaptic zinc release in living nervous tissue. J. Neurosci. Methods 110: 57-63.
Wang, Z.Y., J.Y. Li, E. Varea, G. Danscher and A. Dahlström (2001) Is the postganglionic sympathetic neuron zinc-enriched? A stop-flow nerve crush study on rat sciatic nerve. Neuroreport 12: 2247-2250.
Stoltenberg, M., J.A. Hogenhuis, J.J. Hauw and G. Danscher (2001) Autometallographic tracing of bismuth in human brain autopsies. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 60: 705-710.
Ovesen, J., B. Møller-Madsen, J.S. Thomsen, G. Danscher and Li. Mosekilde (2001) The positive effects of zinc on skeletal strength in growing rats. Bone 29: 565-570.
Wang, Z., J.-Y. Li, A. Dahlström, G. Danscher (2001) Zinc-enriched GABAergic terminals in mouse spinal cord. Brain Res. 921: 165-172.
Wang, Z.-Y., J.-Y. Li, G. Danscher, A. Dahlström (2002) Localization of zinc-enriched neurons in the mouse peripheral sympathetic system. Brain Res. 928: 165-174.
Danscher G (2002) In vivo liberation of gold ions from gold implants. Autometallographic tracing of gold in cells adjacent to metallic gold. Histochem. Cell Biol. 117: 447-452.
Wang, Z., Danscher, G., Kim Y.K., Dahlström, A., Jo S.M. (2002) Inhibitory zinc-enriched terminals in the mouse cerebellum: double-immunohistochemistry for zinc transporter 3 and glutamate decarboxylase. Neurosci. Lett. 321: 37-40.
Danscher, G., G.W. Hacker and M. Stoltenberg (2002) Autometallographic tracing of gold, silver, bismuth, mercury, and zinc. In: Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology (G.W. Hacker and J. Gu, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 13-27.
Hacker, G.W., A.L.M. Cheung, R.R. Tubbs, L. Grimelius, G. Danscher and C. Hauser-Kronberger (2002) Immunogold-silver staining for light microscopy using colloidal or clustered gold (NanogoldTM). In: Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology (G.W. Hacker and J. Gu, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 47-69.
Stoltenberg, M., A. Larsen, M. Zhao, G. Danscher and U.T. Brunk (2002) Bismuth-induced lysosomal rupture in J774 cells. APMIS 110: 396-402
Jo, S.M., Y.K. Kim, Z. Wang and G. Danscher (2002) Retrograde tracing of zinc-enriched (ZEN) neuronal somata projecting to the olfactory bulb. Brain Res. 956: 230-235.
Stoltenberg, M., J.D. Schiønning, M.J. West and G. Danscher (2003) Bismuth-induced neuronal cell death in rat dorsal root ganglion: a stereological study. Acta Neuropathol. (Berl.) 105(4): 351-357.
Myhrer, T., G. Danscher and F. Fonnum (2003) Degenerative patterns following denervation of temporal structures in a rat model of mnemonic dysfunction. Brain Res. 967: 293-300.
Danscher, G., Z. Wang, Y.K. Kim, S.J. Kim, Y. Sun and S.M. Jo (2003) Immunocytochemical localization of zinc transporter 3 in the ependyma of the mouse spinal cord. Neurosci. Lett. 342: 81-84.
Stoltenberg, M., L. Locht, A. Larsen, D. Jensen and G. Danscher (2003) In vivo cellular uptake of bismuth ions from shotgun pellets. Histol. Histopathol. 18(3): 781-785.
Wang, Z.Y., G. Danscher, A. Dahlström and J.Y. Li (2003) Zinc transporter 3 and zinc ions in the rodent superior cervical ganglion neurons. Neuroscience 120(3): 605-616.
Larsen, A., M. Martiny, M. Stoltenberg, G. Danscher and J. Rungby (2003) Gastrointestinal and systemic uptake of bismuth in mice after oral exposure. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 93(2): 82-90.
Larsen, M., C.R. Bjarkam, M. Stoltenberg, J.C. Sørensen and G. Danscher (2003) An autometallographic technique for myelin staining in formaldehyde-fixed tissue. Histol. Histopathol. 18(4): 1125-1130.
Søndergaard, L.G., M. Stoltenberg, A. Flyvbjerg, B. Brock, O. Schmitz, G. Danscher and J. Rungby (2003) Zinc ions in β-cells of obese, insulin-resistant, and type 2 diabetic rats traced by autometallography. APMIS 111: 1147-1154.
G. Danscher “Organmetallic probe” Tat-Gold method of labeling cell lines.
US Patent Application No. US2003013084. Published January 16, 2003.
Loumbourdis, N.S. and G. Danscher (2004) Autometallographic tracing of mercury in frog liver. Environ Pollut. 129(2): 299-304.
Wang, Z.Y., M. Stoltenberg, S.M. Jo, L. Huang, A. Larsen, A. Dahlström and G. Danscher (2004) Dynamic zinc pools in mouse choroid plexus. Neuroreport 15(11): 1801-1804.
Stoltenberg, M. L.N. Nejsum, A. Larsen and G. Danscher (2004) Abundance of zinc ions in synaptic terminals of mocha mutant mice: zinc transporter 3 immunohistochemistry and zinc sulphide autometallography. J. Mol. Histol. 35(2): 141-145.
G. Danscher “A method of implanting heavy metals such as nobel metal,e.g. gold, and metal for use in implantation” US Patent Application No. US2004/0151938. Published August 5, 2004.
Devirgiliis, C., C. Murgia, G. Danscher, G. Perozzi (2004) Exchangeable zinc ions transiently accumulate in a vesicular compartment in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 323(1): 58-64.
Ovesen, J., G. Danscher, J.S. Thomsen, L. Mosekilde, B. Møller-Madsen (2004) Autometallographic tracing of zinc ions in growing bone. J. Musculoskel. Neurol. Interact. 4(4): 428-435.
Danscher, G., M. Stoltenberg, M. Bruhn, C. Søndergaard, D. Jensen (2004) Immersion autometallography – iZnSAMG: Histochemical in situ capturing of zinc ions in catalytic zinc-sulphur nanocrystals. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 52(12): 1619-1625.
G. Danscher “Organmetallic probe” (2004)
European Patent Application No. EP1414989. Published May 6, 2004.
Danscher, G., Stoltenberg M. (2005) Zinc-specific autometallographic in vivo selenium methods: tracing of zinc-enriched (ZEN) terminals, ZEN pathways, and pools of zinc ions in a multitude of other ZEN cells. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 53(2): 141-153.
Wang, Z.Y., Stoltenberg M., Huang L., Danscher G., Dahlström A., Shi Y., Li J.Y. (2005) "Abundant expression of zinc transporters in Bergman glia of mouse cerebellum", Brain Res. Bull. 64(5): 441-448.
Pamphlett, R., Eide R., Danscher G. (2005) Does selenium deficiency unmask mercury toxicity in motor neurons? Neurotoxicol Teratol. 27(2): 241-244.
Sondergaard, L., Brock, B., Stoltenberg, M., Flyvbjerg, A., O. Schmitz, Rasmussen, K.S., Danscher, G., J. Rungby (2005) "Zinc fluxes during acute and chronic exposure of INS-1E cells to increasing glucose levels". Horm. Metab. Res. 37(3): 133-139.
G. Danscher (2005) “A method of implanting heavy metals such as nobel metal,e.g. gold, and metal for use in implantation”
European Patent Publication No. EP1395268. Approved January 19, 2005
Larsen, A., Stoltenberg, M., West, M.J., Danscher, G. (2005) "Influence of Bismuth on the Number of Neurons in Cerebellum and Hippocampus of Normal and Hypoxia-exposed Mouse Brain: A Stereological Study", i J. Appl. Toxicol. 25(5): 383-392.
Stoltenberg, M., Bruhn, M., Søndergaard, C., Jensen, P.D., West, M.J., Troncoso, J., Larsen, A., Danscher, G. (2005) "Immersion autometallographic tracing of zinc ions in Alzheimer beta-amyloid plaques". Histochem. Cell. Biol. 123(6): 605-611.
Larsen, A., Stoltenberg, M., Søndergaard, C., Bruhn, M., Danscher, G. (2005) "In vivo Distribution of Bismuth in the Mouse Brain. Influence of Long-term Survival and Intracranial Placement on the Uptake and Transport of Bismuth in Neuronal Tissue". Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 97(3): 188-96.
Suh, S.W., Jo S.M., Vajda Z., Danscher G. (2005) Adrenalectomy-induced ZnT3 downregulation in mouse hippocampus is followed by vesicular zinc depletion. Neurosci. Lett. 377(3): 164-169.
Hundahl C., Stoltenberg M., Fago A., Weber R.E., Dewilde S., Fordel E., Danscher G. (2005) Effects of short-term hypoxia on neuroglobin levels and localization in mouse brain tissues. Neuropathol Appl. Neurobiol. 31(6): 610-617.
Suh, S.W., Frederickson C.J., Danscher G. (2006) Neurotoxic zinc translocation into hippocampal neurons is inhibited by hypothermia and is aggravated by hyperthermia after traumatic brain injury in rats. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 26(2): 161-169.
Danscher G (2006). “Medicament and method of treatment of patients with heavy metals”.
US Patent Application No. US20060121079. Published June 8: 1-8.
Danscher G., Stoltenberg M. (2006) “Autometallography (AMG). Silver enhancement of quantum dots resulting from 1) metabolism of toxic metals in animals and humans, 2) in vivo, in vitro and immersion created zinc-sulphur / zinc-selenium nanocrystals, 3) metal ions liberated from metal implants and particles”. Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 41(2): 57-140.
Wang X., Wang Z-Y., Gao H-L., Danscher G., Huang L. (2006) Localization of ZnT7 and zinc ions in mouse retina – Immunohistochemistry and selenium autometallography. Brain Res. Bull. 71(1-3): 91-96.
Noyan B, Jensen MS, Danscher G. (2007) The lack of effects of zinc and nitric oxide in initial state of pilocarpine-induced seizures. Seizure. 16(5):410-6
Larsen, A, Stoltenberg M, Danscher G (2007) In vitro liberation of charged gold atoms: autometallographic tracing of gold ions released by macrophages grown on metallic gold surfaces. Histochem Cell Biol. 128(1):1-6.
Stoltenberg M, Juhl S, Danscher G (2007) Bismuth ions are metabolized into autometallographic traceable bismuth-sulphur quantum dots. Eur J Histochem. Jan-Mar;51(1):53-7.
Stoltenberg M, Larsen A, Doering P, Sadauskas E, Locht LJ, Danscher G (2007) Autometallographic tracing of quantum dots. Histol Histopathol. Jun; 22(6): 617-22.
Evaldas Sadauskas , Håkan Wallin , Meredin Stoltenberg , Ulla Vogel , Peter Doering Jensen, Agnete Larsen, Gorm Danscher (2007) Kupffer cells are central in the removal of nanoparticles from the organism. Particle and Fiber toxicology 2007 Oct 19;4:10.
Stoltenberg M, Bush AI, Bach G, Smidt K, Larsen A, Rungby J, Lund S, Doering P, Danscher G (2007). Amyloid plaques arise from zinc-enriched cortical layers in APP/PS1 transgenic mice and are paradoxically enlarged with dietary zinc deficiency. Neuroscience. 2007 Dec 5;150(2):357-69.
Jakobsen SS, Danscher G, Stoltenberg M, Larsen A, Bruun JM, Mygind T, Kemp K, Soballe K (2007). Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy causes metal accumulation and metallothionein up-regulation in rat liver and kidney. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. Dec;101(6):441-6.
Doering P, Larsen L, Bruhn M, Sondergaard C, Danscher G, Stoltenberg M (2007) : Ultrastructural tracing of changes in the vesicular zinc pattern following traumatic brain injury: Indications of two distinct zinc pools. Neuroscience. 2007 Nov 30;150(1):93-103.
Loumbourdis NS, Danscher G. (2008) Autometallographic tracing of Hg-S quantum dots in frogs exposed to inorganic mercury.Biometals. Jun;21(3):311-9.
Larsen A, Kolind K, Pedersen DS, Doering P, Pedersen MO, Danscher G, Penkowa M, Stoltenberg M.(2008) Gold ions bio-released from metallic gold particles reduce inflammation and apoptosis and increase the regenerative responses in focal brain injury.Histochem Cell Biol. Oct;130(4):681-92
Zhang LH, Wang X, Stoltenberg M, Danscher G, Huang L, Wang ZY (2008) Abundant expression of zinc transporters in the amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's disease brain. Brain Res Bull. Sep 5;77(1):55-60.
Chi ZH, Wang X, Cai JQ, Stoltenberg M, Danscher G, Wang ZY (2008). Zinc transporter 3 immunohistochemical tracing of sprouting mossy fibres. Neurochem Int. 2008 Jun;52(7):1305-9.
Kristiansen S, Iversen P, Danscher G (2008). Ultrastructural localization and chemical binding of silver ions in human organotypic skin cultures. Histochem Cell Biol. 2008 Jul;130(1):177-84.
in APP/PS1 transgenic mouse brain. Neurobiol. Aging. 31(1)74-87.
Zainali K, Danscher G, Jakobsen T, Jakobsen SS, Baas J, Møller P, Bechtold JE, Soballe K (2009). Effects of gold coating on experimental implant fixation. J Biomed Mater Res A. Jan;88(1):274-80.
Jo SM, Danscher G, Schrøder HD, Suh SW (2008). Depletion of vesicular zinc in dorsal horn of spinal cord causes increased neuropathic pain in mice. Biometals. 2008 Apr;21(2):151-8.
Locht L, Larsen A . Stoltenberg M and G.Danscher (2009) Cultured macrophages causes dissolucytosis of metallic silver. Histol Histopathol. 2009 Feb;24(2):167-73
Sadauskas E, Danscher G, Stoltenberg M, Vogel U, Larsen A, Wallin H.(2009) Protracted elimination of gold nanoparticles from mouse liver. Nanomedicine. Jun5(2):162-9.
Sadauskas E, Jacobsen NR, Danscher G, Stoltenberg M, Vogel U, Larsen A, Kreyling W, Wallin H. (2009) Biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in mouse lung following intratracheal instillation. Chem Cent J. 2009 Nov 20;3:16
Wang CY, Wang T, Zheng W, Zhao BL, Danscher G, Chen YH, Wang ZY (2010) Zinc overload enhances APP cleavage and Aβ deposition in the Alzheimer mouse brain. PLoS One. 2010 Dec 17;5(12):e15349.
Zainali K, Baas J, Jakobsen T, Danscher G, Soballe K.(2010) Particulate gold as an anti-inflammatory mediator in bone allograft---an animal study.J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010 Dec 1;95(3):956-63.
Doering P, Stoltenberg M, Penkowa M, Rungby J, Larsen A, Danscher G.(2010) Chemical blocking of zinc ions in CNS increases neuronal damage following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in mice. PLoS One. 2010 Apr 9;5(4):e10131.
Danscher G, Larsen A. (2010) Effects of dissolucytotic gold ions on recovering brain lesions. Histochem Cell Biol. 2010 Apr;133(4):367-73.
Zheng W, Wang T, Yu D, Feng WY, Nie YX, Stoltenberg M, Danscher G, Wang ZY. (2010) Elevation of zinc transporter ZnT3 protein in the cerebellar cortex of the AbetaPP/PS1 transgenic mouse. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;20(1):323-31.
Danscher G, Locht LJ.(2010)In vivo liberation of silver ions from metallic silver surfaces. Histochem Cell Biol. 2010 Mar;133(3):359-66.
Zhang LH, Wang X, Zheng ZH, Ren H, Stoltenberg M, Danscher G, Huang L, Rong M, Wang ZY (2010). Altered expression and distribution of zinc transporters in APP/PS1 transgenic mouse brain. Neurobiol Aging. 2010 Jan;31(1):74-87.
Murgia C, Grosser D, Truong-Tran AQ, Roscioli E, Michalczyk A, Ackland ML, Stoltenberg M, Danscher G, Lang C, Knight D, Perozzi G, Ruffi RE, Zalewski P. (2011) Apical Localization of Zinc Transporter ZnT4 in Human Airway Epithelial Cells and Its Loss in a Murine Model of Allergic Airway Inflammation. Nutrients. 2011 Nov;3(11):910-28.
Pedersen DS, Fredericia PM, Pedersen MO, Stoltenberg M, Penkowa M, Danscher G, Rungby J, Larsen A. (2012) Metallic gold slows disease progression, reduces cell death and induces astrogliosis while simultaneously increasing stem cell responses in an EAE rat model of multiple sclerosis. Histochem Cell Biol. 138(5):787-802.
Zainali K, Danscher G, Jakobsen T, Baas J, Møller P, Bechtold JE, Soballe K (2013) Assessment of modified gold surfaced titanium implants on skeletal fixation. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2013 Jan;101(1):195-202
Danscher G. (2016) .Gold Particle for Use in Therapy to Prevent Scar Formation US Patent App. 15/637,959,
Danscher G (2016). Gold Particles for Use in Therapy to Prevent Scar Formation EU patent application no. EP 16176880.9
Danscher G. (2016). Implantable Device Having an Outer Surface Comprising Gold and Its Use as an Anti-Migration Device. US Patent Application . 15/636,579,
Dabnscher G (2016) Implantable Device Having an Outer Surface Comprising Gold and Its Use as an Anti-Migration Device. EU patent application no EP 16176882.5
Danscher G. (2017) Suppression of granulation tissue. EU pantent application 177178814,4